Membership Meeting – April 11, 7pm
Connolly's 121 W 45th Street, New York, NY, United StatesDetails to follow
Details to follow
This stand-out important event has been rescheduled for Thursday April 28th. Past presidents Joe Daggett & Robert Knox have agreed to chair this event, and hold some organizational committee meetings in the coming weeks (via zoom). This is a huge and labor intensive event to organize and run on the night, so they need lots […]
Ephoca AIO (Brendan Casey) – Will make a presentation on all in one cold climate air source heat pumps That will fit into existing PTAC sleeves.
Our annual membership mass will be held on Tuesday May 17th at 6pm in the "Holy Trinity Church, 213 W 82nd St". (Between Amsterday and Broadway) This will be a private mass, just for our members and their families, to remember deceased family and friends so please make every effort to attend. Traditionally at this […]
Vendors have been invited to come met our members and network. A night of music, drinks and hors d'oeuvres.
This will be our last meeting before the summer break, so we hoping for great attendance.
Education: Taurus Tech Scholarship Drawing: You must be in attendance to qualify for the scholarship.
We are happy to announce that we will be holding our Annual Lark in the park kids party again this year. This will be in Robert Moses park on Sept 15th (Rain Date Sept 22nd) This will be a great event which we hope all our members will bring out their kids for some fun […]
Come and join us for the annual Emerald Guild Society Fishing trip. Food and refreshments included. Prizes for 1st Fish, Most Fish and Largest Fish Cost: $50 Boat: Never Enough Location: Citi Field Marina Bus Pickup: 3rd Ave & 23rd Street 4pm. Stopping at 57th Street and 86th Street RSVP: Louis Corbet [email protected]
Attack Exterminating will be presenting on rodent control, checking up on your exterminator, lantern flies and what’s new in the industry. After the recent fires caused by E-bike battery’s, what are your buildings policy’s. Are they implementing any changes.
Come join us for the 2022 Emerald Guild Society Christmas Party. Lots of spot prizes. Music by the McLean Avenue Band. Please RSVP to Paul Motherway [email protected] or John Keegan [email protected]
Education: David Klatt from Logical Buildings – Will be discussing the Local 97 new Energy code – Carbon Reduction Compliance