Latest Past Events

Farewell to Garret

Turttles Bar & Grill 735 Second Avenue, New York

Our past president, and longtime member and supporter of the Guild, Garret Doyle will soon say goodbye to NYC for now, to concentrate on his new bar and restaurant "Five Furlongs Tavern" in the Catskills. Garrett has always been very accommodating to the Guild, and we have had many fundraising events there over the years. […]

Membership Meeting – March 7th, 7pm

Connolly's 121 W 45th Street, New York

A most important feature of this meeting will be to hold a vote to elect four Board Members (from five accepted nominated members) for the year 2022. Only members present at the meeting can cast a vote in the election. Four Board of Directors will be elected from the following 5 candidates: David Nikaj Kevin […]

St Patrick’s Day Parade

We are very happy to welcome back our beloved St Patrick's Day Parade after a Covid-19 forced cancellation for almost three years. Our official assembly and location is for 2pm at West 46th Street (between 5th Ave & 6th Ave)(see attached guidelines for marching in the parade) We look forward to welcoming all our members […]